Oi, tudo bem? With this greeting you will bring a smile to the face of the locals during a Portuguese language stay. Even rudimentary knowledge of Portuguese is honoured by Portuguese and Brazilians with exuberant compliments and thus enables intensive contact with the locals. Therefore, at a Portuguese language course you are guaranteed to get to know new people quickly!

Learning Portuguese abroad

Learning Portuguese abroad is a unique experience. Whether in Europe, South America, Africa, or even Asia - the language is spoken around the globe and, with over 200 million native speakers, it is considered a world language. When Portugal expanded its colonial empire in the 15th and 16th centuries, the language spread across large parts of the world, even to Macao in China. In addition to the classical Portuguese, which is spoken in Portugal, and the somewhat softer, melodious Brazilian, there are numerous Creole languages on a predominantly Portuguese basis. In Switzerland, France, and Germany, as well as in parts of the USA and Southeast Asia, there are regions with a significant Portuguese-speaking population.

Tips for your Portuguese course

Two top destinations are available for your Portuguese language stay. On the one hand the country of origin of the Portuguese language, the beautiful Portugal at the western end of Europe. The deeply rooted history of seafarers and explorers is omnipresent here in the form of medieval castles and magnificent palaces. But apart from the enormous buildings, the joy of celebration of the Portuguese is also enormous. On the other side of the Atlantic Brazil attracts with a lot of joie de vivre, dance and music. From the Amazon to the Copacabana, Brazil has many different faces to discover during a Portuguese language stay. Once you have mastered the language, you can travel to many places in the world and talk to the local population without any problems.

Whether you are attending a language course in Portugal or Brazil, you will quickly come into contact with the locals and will be infected by their joy of life. If you are looking for tips and advice for your individual Portuguese course, we will be happy to help you. Our experienced team will find the right Portuguese language course for you in no time at all.

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